Sunday, October 07, 2007

Sleepwalking My Way to Victory

I don't know about you, but I'm going to win.
I'm going to win it all.
I don't know what it is I'm winning,
But, my gut tells me, I'm going to win anyway.
You can't stop me.
My feet will not drag and my spine will not bend.

I'm going to win, even if you don't like me.
I'm going to win, even if you have to die for it.
I'm going to win, even if I have to yell.
I'm going to win, even if I have to lie.

Losing is not an option, so it won't happen.
If you talk about losing, you're a traitor.
If you talk about losing, you're a coward.
My ears and eyes can't hear and see losing,
So that makes me better than you'll ever be.

You'll know I've won when you hear me screaming,
"I've won! I've won! Look who's won! It's me!"

Don't even try to tell me I've lost.
I never lose.
Maybe you lose.
Other people lose.
I never lose.
I never run away from a problem I can't fix.
I destroy all of my problems.
I destroy them.

I will win if it's easy.
I will win, even if it's hard.
I will win, though it's impossible.

Hey, I see you're sleepwalking, too.
I'm going to win, how about you?
What? It's not about winning and losing?
You don't want me to win, do you?
That's what you're getting at, isn't it?

Well, I'll win for you, too.
I'll win for everybody who deserves to win.
I dreamt it would happen,
While I walked past the sink,
Right before I bumped into you.
Now get out of my way,
I have something to win,
Though I don't know what it is.

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