Thursday, October 25, 2007

Can You Tell Me?

Can you tell me how long
it takes tale to become song?

Can you tell me how long
it takes widow to move on?

Can you tell me wherefore
father rushes off to war?

Can you tell me wherefore
this bullet he cannot endure?

Can you tell me where now
son lies in grave so shallow?

Can you tell me where now
daughter rests in fields fallow?

Can you tell me how should
this be for some greater good?

Can you tell me how should
this endless death be withstood?

For I will not know peace;
in my grave restless lay I.

Mother will not know peace;
empty home to occupy.

Family broken, gone;
not one could save another.

Hope deserted and dead;
sister could not mourn brother.

So please, spare us your shouts
of victory and glory.

We will not join in your
rabid dance, song, or story.

For we know that in time
lust will overtake these men.

And we will be dying
over and over again.

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