Friday, April 23, 2010

The Singularity

I facetiously wanted to call this one "Nerd Love," but I don't want to be mean to it or take away from the real emotion contained within. It's hard for me to take seriously "love poems" that aren't in some way sad, but I think there is still enough complexity of feeling in this one for it to pass my laugh test. Not that I'm an emo teenager or some hyper-cynic that thinks all love is inevitably tragic, just that I think that two humans in love is one of the funniest things in existence (that's a compliment love, so please take it that way). Love and happiness are inextricably linked with laughter in my mind, so, in their pure forms, they will always be funny to me.

Red lips are an exaggeration.
Pale crescents fill the universe,
All that matters or could matter.
Breathing through wide gulfs,
We met across infinite distances,
Now drawn down to the closest
Intimacy in an instant,
So close that our air intermingles,
And our vision can only wander,
From cheek, to lips, to eyes, to neck.
Time crystallizes around us;
It crinkles apart like half-made ice
As my hand touches your hair,
Impossibly smooth between my fingers.
Everything else is smoke and buzzing,
Out on the edge of perception,
This unbearable separation finally ends,
As the event horizon stretches to meet
Two bodies hurtling toward each other,
Bending space and time at the speed of light.
I plunge into the singularity of the kiss,
Shedding my mass,
Becoming pure energy,
Lost in the blackness,
With a secret fear of an end to forever.

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